Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Science is for Winners x 3

Albert Einstein is the guy that always comes to mind when people think "incredible science genius." Why? Because he was fucking brilliant, that's why. He completely changed the way we see the universe and how we think it works--notably through his work on the Photoelectric Effect, Brownian motion, the theory of Special Relativity, and mass-energy equivalence (the equation we all know and love, E=mc^2). And that was all in one year. His theory of General Relativity came several years later. If you don't actually know much about Einstein, you really ought to read about his life and his scientific breakthroughs, starting with this Highly Informative Scientist Trading Card.

Click to see full card.


  1. Personally I believe his magnetic personality was derived from his impossible hair. Go forth, Einstein, work that -do-.

  2. I think he used his theories to make his do the way it is (was).
    Who came up with the string theory?
    I'll feel retarded if it was already mentioned.

  3. I think that hairdo did more for popularization of science than anything else in history. Crazy hair will make people interested in anything.

    I have not mentioned string theory yet because I do not have a very firm grasp on the concepts despite Andrew's best attempts at regaling me with his own thoughts on the theory. And I am not talking about the silly kind here. My knowledge of silly string approaches expert levels.

  4. Good

    Where do I get my Nikola Tesla trading card???
